Hi, I am Jack Taggart.

Photography student? Nope. Formal training? Nada. Photography pedigree? Zip. Zilch. Zero.

But yet I am still able to take photos. Funny, I guess. As a kid, I thought the coolest thing that I could get my hands on was drugstore-quality disposable camera. Rarely did I ever get the film developed. But the feeling of winding up the film, peering through the viewfinder, and then stopping time for a fraction of a second, was second to none. That feeling is one that I have yet to shake. I have gone through a few cameras since the 27-shot Kodak, but the idea is still the same: look through the viewfinder, and turn what I see into a physical piece of history.

I was born and raised in Nelson County, Virginia, and have enjoyed my fair share of hobbies and passions throughout the years. The outdoors have always been my refuge, and I spend all the time I can there. After high school, attended the Virginia Military Institute and graduated in 2020. I'm now an active duty Engineer officer in the U.S. Army. Sometimes that makes taking photos regularly a lot harder, but sometimes it presents some unique advantages. My wife, Kat, and I have moved to the Olympia, Washington area for the next few years for my duty assignment. Stay tuned for more, and thank you for visiting my website!